2024-2025 After School Fall Program
This program is full for Sept 25/26
Girls Soft Ball
Registration for Girls Softball
Agrs U9, U11 and U13
To register or for more information contact LWF baseballÂÂÂ
Breakfast With the Easter Bunny
Sunday, April 13/2025
8:30am to 10:00am
Children 3 and up ... $6.00 ADULTS $8.00
Please pay at the door
Tickle Trunk Play Group
Sorry the Tickle Truck will be closed on Sept 26 2024!!
Tickle Trunk will start Spetember 23th 2024
Tickle Trunk will be every Monday and Thursday.
A playgroup for preschoolers and their parent, grandparent and or caregivers.
Time: 9-11am
Place: Upper Sackville Recreation Centre
2476 Sackville Dr Upper Sackville
Cost $4.00 for the first child then a $1.00 per child
Field Conditions
Springfield Lake ball diamonds are OPEN today AUGUST 12 2024. There may still be a few wet spots, so please check the field